Video Marketing Tip #1 – How To Keep Your Visitors On ONLY Your Videos (Stay With Me Technique)

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There is a lot that goes into video marketing and this video helps teach you some of the tips and techniques you can use to keep your viewers on your video. You always want to avoid any of your video viewers leaving your page and visiting your competitions videos. With The Stay With Me technique you can use some YouTube video marketing tricks to your advantage.

When you begin video marketing you need to understand and determine what they point of your video is going to be. Are you trying to get visitors to your websites? Are you trying to promote your services? Are you trying to capture leads? Once you determine this you can lay out your video but it doesn’t end there. You need to come up with some sort of video marketing plan to fulfill the plan you have laid out.

That is why we like The Stay With Me Technique. This video marketing tip shows you can you can put a video on YouTube and keep your visitors on only your video. There are two parts to this and the first step is adding in your own end frame or thumbnails. You are almost beating YouTube the punch by putting up your own thumbnails. You can also tag your videos with your channel name. This will help all your other video appear next to the current ones that you have. This is a technique that we use in our video marketing and it is a pretty effective strategy we recommend using.

Video Marketing