Marketing Minute 042: “Using the PERM Method to Perform Better” (Personal Branding)

Improving performance on significant assignments or tasks is a key factor in marketing yourself and building your professional brand.

To improve task performance, use the PERM method: Plan, Execute, Reflect, Modify. Do this each time and you’ll see performance increase substantially over a fairly short amount of time.

Before starting a task, Plan. How will you approach the task? What raw materials or information will you need? How can you address any challenges that arise? Set specific goals that you’ll accomplish.

When it’s time to Execute, be confident and energetic. Use your necessary resources and stay focused on both effectiveness and efficiency.

After you finish the task, Reflect on your performance as soon as possible. Did you reach your goals? What did you do well? What could you have done better?

Finally, Modify future task performance based on the results of your reflection step. Performance improvement is an iterative process, but it works best when you use a tested method.

To improve performance with the PERM method, you’ll need to Plan, Execute, Reflect, and Modify your task-related behaviors.

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