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¿Qué depara el futuro a ZTE en España? Hablamos con su directora de Marketing en nuestro país para que nos aclare cómo será su enfoque para los próximos años.
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Business Line & Life 29-02-59 on FM97

Business Line & Life ชีวิต ธุรกิจ ความสุข
1. FM 97.0 เวลา 11.10-12.00 ทุกวันจันทร์-ศุกร์ รับฟังทาง www.97qfm.com
2. ทีวีดาวเทียมสุวรรณภูมิ เวลา 16.00-17.00 น. จันทร์ ถึง ศุกร์
3. FM 89.5 เวลา 17.00-18.00 ทุกวันอาทิตย์ รับฟังทาง www.895sweet.com
ดำเนินรายการโดย ม่อน ณัฐกานต์ บุญสอน

twitter @BiZ_LINE_LIFE
website: http://www.businesslineandlife.com/

Marketing operativo. [03]. Canales de distribución (*).

Patrocinado por “El viaje a la tradición mediterránea”.
Podéis adquirir el libro y los DVD con los 8 documentales en nuestro comercio-e:

(*) Esta secuencia es una versión abreviada de la secuencia disponible en el curso audiovisual de título: “Curso superior de Marketing”.

El vídeo formativo “Marketing Operativo” se presenta en formato cinta de vídeo VHS y estructurado en los siguientes capítulos:

1º. Investigación del cliente
2º. El Director de Producto
3º. Canales de distribución
4º. Organización de ventas
5º. Previsión de ventas
6º. El Plan de Marketing
7º. Resumen final

Año de la segunda edición: 2002.
(Atención: puede que la normativa aquí citada ya no esté actualizada).

Ficha Técnica completa en nuestro comercio-e:

5 Affiliate Marketing Tips and Tricks – How to Increase Affiliate Sales

5 Affiliate Marketing Tips and Tricks – How to Increase Affiliate Sales

Do you want to make more money promoting other people’s products. In this video, I’m going to give you 5 Affiliate Marketing Tips and Tricks to help you increase affiliate sales.

Please remember to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE for more awesome videos 🙂

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CNBC business news host thinks Ireland is in the UK

For the head of Ireland’s foreign development agency, an appearance on a popular US morning business show must have seemed like an excellent chance to tout the country’s economic prospects.

Instead, Martin Shanahan found himself part of a bizarre exchange with CNBC business news host Joe Kernen, who could not get his round the fact that Ireland uses the euro when Scotland, which he recently visited, uses the pound.

Mr Shanahan then endures a long and painful exchange – part inquisition, part rant – with Kernen, CNBC’s former on-air expert on Wall Street stocks, who clearly seems to be unaware that Ireland and the United Kingdom are different countries with different currencies.

Online Marketing and Keyword Research for E-commerce [Bangla]

Online marketing is a very important thing in e-commerce. In order to run a e-commerce business online marketing is a must.

Online marketing is basically social media marketing, email marketing, SMS marketing, online advertisement etc. In this video we tried to explain about online marketing strategy in bangla. For small business’s online marketing, these tips can be very useful.

Nowadeys online marketing has become very popular. Especially facebook marketing is very effective to sell products. But after 1year, when facebook marketing will no longer be that much effective, what will you do?

In this video Mr. Taposh Ghosh (keyword researcher) explained many facts about online marketing. Learn the tricks about online marketing in this tutorial.

Hit like and share with yopur friends. SUBSCRIBE us for more video.

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Volé en Business class!!! – Chile #1

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